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Testimonials - Cats

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  • Testimonials have been submitted by patients and are published with their permission
  • Every individual has unique charactistics that impact treatment plans and outcomes
  • Results of chiropractic treatment will vary for every patient
  • The experiences described in some patient testimonials may not be typical


Husky and I met Dr. Lori Batch face to face. I was pleased that she had taken time to examine the xrays to get a better look from her perspective. I found that her passion and knowledge in her practice was amazing. From the moment I took Husky out of his carrier he was happy, purring and was very cooperative through the assessment. Dr. Batch noticed that his spine was not aligned near his tailbone, a potential reason for his problems. I then followed Dr. Lori Batch's treatment schedule, while keeping Husky on the main floor away from stairs. Husky continued to be a very good patient. After each visit Husky was heading towards recovery. It still amazes me to this day how wonderful the treatments were for him.

It has been 4 months since Husky had his last visit and he is even more active now than he was before he was in pain. I will be taking Husky again to visit Dr. Lori Batch to follow up and because I know Husky misses her.

Sandra C.